A Halloween illustration shared by a designer.

A Halloween illustration shared by a designer.

Dribble is a popular social community for designers, founded by designers Rich Thornett (software developer/product designer) and Dan Cederholm (web designer). Together the two formed Dribble as a side project but it now has now become a “hub” for designers “to show and tell, promote, discover and explore design.”


Dribble.com shots

Dribble was first conceived as an invite-only site, but now is open to all and is very easy to use. Designers from across the world take screen shots of their work and post it online. Other designers can comment, like, share or rebound (a way to interact with the designer posting work.) Members can find inspiration by browsing the work of creative teams, read the design-related blog, go to a local meetup in their area, connect with individual designers or find work by categorizing themselves as a prospect.


Individual designer’s post. The candy corn emoji is also for sale on the site.

There are all types of designers on the site from apparel designers, to web designers, illustrators, graphic designers, photographers, font designers and animators that are available to engage with and bounce off ideas. Every day Dribble posts a few of its popular highlighted works that are the day’s favorites on the site.

The design team feed.

The design team feed.

Because of its simple design and easy-to-navigate site, Dribble is a great site for designers and has even been dubbed the “Twitter of Designers” by Mashable. It is easy to connect with members, learn more about their creative process and glean knowledge from them. I see members talking through color schemes or more experienced designers giving feedback to less experienced ones across the world. The community interaction is awesome and I haven’t seen anyone give inappropriate feedback.


The Dribble Blog, Courtside.

Dribble’s dashboard makes it easy to meet the designers on the site and also connect with them on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or follow their blog(s). When you sign up, you give your account names for FB, Twitter, Instagram, and your portfolio web address and then connect with other users through your social media accounts. I think all of the major social media channels would work well with Dribble. Instagram, Twitter, Facebook are already utilized but including Vine and YouTube for some of the animations could be beneficial as well.

Designers can find meetups in their local areas to find other designers.

Designers can find meetups in their local areas to find other designers.

Since a big part of Dribble is the local meetup section of the website, proximity marketing could be helpful to facilitate the meetings. It would be a little harder because designers are providing a service and don’t have brick and mortar stores, but a Dribble app could be used to locate other designers in the area and facilitate sending messages. It could use the functionality of the 5Mile app but instead of buy/selling things you could use it to find like-minded people in a five mile radius.

